Anthony Gongora

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Want Wanting

The heart and its' wants

The love that hungers to be given

The held back part kept closed


Unobtainable unreachable unwanted

Choice eludes the heart

Like a dart tossed - bullseye 

Who knows exactly where it will pierce

The center, off-center, the floor

It might fall, why fall, for what

Can not be had

The heart is not for having we lend it

Out here and there

But what of the taken heart?

The one captured in a glance

Stolen in a first kiss

Hands whose touch holds the key

Helpless that heart is

So rare and always a surprise 

Is it from want of wanting?

The giving in, the letting go

Only to fall - always gravity

The weight, this life, the borders, the planet

The other the taker

He knows how to get

Gives just enough to keep a heart tethered

His intentions clear - to get

Not his hearts' passion

Just what he wants

To be adored is enough for him

Though he collects hearts it's not his want

No, it is the center that he holds

The throne he sits upon

Mastering his universe

King of hearts lover of none

Enough... there is always just enough 

To keep the wanter wanting

Waiting always willing

Hoping he will come

To choose this one

Just once

The one. 

Rain, from Coupling Love is…., The book is available on iBooks. The entire series includes 36 abstract and erotic digital paintings.